( Info )
What To Bring
In the weeks leading up to the gathering, consider taking the time to create a personalized packing list so that you can be sure to remember everything that you need to nurture a safe, fun and transformative experience.
Having the right supplies, equipment, and attitude will ensure that you make the most of your weekend. In addition to careful thought about what to bring and what not to bring, you can prepare for the event by working on your own practices and by cultivating an awareness that everyone you meet is a reflection of the beloved.
- Tent with Stakes
- Wagon or Cart
- Bedding/Pillow
- Sleeping Pad or Air Mattress
- Sleeping Bag or Blanket(s)
- Camp Kitchen Items
- Musical Instruments
- Solar-Powered Lights
- Daytime Clothes – Be prepared for hot temperatures into the 90's.
- Nighttime Clothes – Festive or ceremonial gear or come as you are, temps as low as low ’40s
- Rain Gear / Shade Gear
- Undies & Socks
- Sun Hat
- Warm Hat
- Sun Glasses
- Shoes & Sandals
- Mask(s) + flow toys
- Gifts or Offerings for friends or altars
- Decorative Items, Cloth, Flowers (for offerings/gifts or personal altars)
- Flower Water, Bells, Herbs for for clearing
Personal Care
- Bath Towel(s)
- Glasses & Contact Supplies
- Toothpaste & Toothbrush
- Hair Brush, Comb, Hair Bands
- Prescription Medications
- Personal First-Aid Kit
- Baby Wipes / Wet Wipes
- Sun Block
- Bug Spray
- Sleeper’s Earplugs (Silicone is Best)
- Dancer’s Earplugs (Invest in a High Fidelity Version)
- Sleep Mask
- Moon Cycle Supplies
- Condoms
Personal Beverages & Food
- Water Bottles
- Electrolytic Beverage Mix
- Munchies
- Travel Mug
- Reusable Plate, Bowl & Utensils (or take part in our festival reusable dishware program!)
- Caffeinated Beverages (for the drive home) - Kombucha is sold on site, but alcohol is not!
- Directions to the Venue
- Flashlights
- Camera
- Batteries
- Journal/Notebook & Pens/Art Supplies
- Traveler’s Sewing Kit
- Small Backpack/Day Pack
- Swiss Army Knife
- Mat or Towel for Yoga, etc.
Forbidden Items
- Firearms, Explosives, or Fireworks
- Pets
- High-wattage appliances + electronics
Please Avoid
- Strongly / synthetic scented items
- White Sage, Palo Santo and other endangered / overharvested plants
- Single-use paper and plastic items
- Decontextualized / appropriated religious, spiritual or ceremonial symbols, iconography, regalia, etc.
- Cynicism