So You Went To A Festival, Now What?
Part 2
Afterglow is expected...but what about afterburn?
How do we hold on and live into the dream we held together?
10 Ways to Live Your Beloved All Year Long
1. Morning ritual
Before you get out of bed, put your hand on your heart and say metta or a prayer for all Beloveds everywhere to be safe, healthy, easeful, and free.

2. Somatic Practice
Before checking emails and social, be in your body in any way that feels good for five minutes.

3. Commit to Vulnerability
Say yes to being more vulnerable in safe-enough settings. With your Beloveds, cultivate tenderness and lean into wherever shame may surface.

4. Remember
Revisit all the feels by poring over all the new photos from Beloved 2019. Shout out to our amazing photographers!

5. Draw A Card
Draw a card, asking: "How might my Beloved takeaways be brought forward in my life?"

6. Collaborate
Talk with a neighbor you haven't met. Consider sharing garden space.

7. Touch The Earth
Create a small altar-scape or nature offering that holds your Beloved intentions. Try it with a child. Your inner one counts.

8. Get Involved
Who is doing the work of community resilience, sacred activisms, land and water protection where you are? How can you support them?

9. Connect with the Music
Listen / sing / dance to our Beloved Spotify Playlist!

10. Come to Our Local Shows!
Beloved Presents offers world-class music from all over this good green earth year-round!
Get on our mailing list and watch some of our live shows in the meantime on Beloved's IGTV.