Friday September 30, 2022
7pm doors/8pm show
Alberta Rose Theatre, Portland
Longtime Beloved Festival artist and heart-melter Peia returns to Portland with Andrew Finn Magill on fiddle for her "To the Well" Film Release & Concert Tour debut: the culmination of several months of grant study in the Gaeltachts (Irish speaking regions) of Western Ireland. Peia’s tour will focus on the songs and stories she gathered during her studies, as well as some old favorites.
Tickets for this show ON SALE NOW!

There comes a time, when someone of conscience who is born with musical gifts, desires to seek their source.
After traveling the world, collecting and learning songs from several cultures save her own, Peia began to ask, as many of us do:
“Where do I belong? And for that matter, where do any of us belong?”
With equal parts thirst, gratitude, and the kind of urgent, grief-soaked willingness to peer into a deep well after long pilgrimage, Peia stood on the west coast cliffs of County Clare, Ireland and held the songs of her ancestors in her mouth like so much bread after generations of famine.
The result of years of grant-funded study, this is the tale of finding the source of an erased origin: a holy well of songs still as alive and vibrant as the good green hills, as sturdy as the standing stones.

“Music is comfort. Music is harmony, fellowship, and Prayer.”
For Peia’s To The Well Film Release and Concert Tour, we invite you to come to the well, and to drink deeply from an ancient shared resonance. While we are all descendants of lands that gave shape and sound to our cultures, we also need courage to confront what is reflected in the water.
To go to the well is to take the long road back to ourselves. It is not an endeavor to do alone: this kind of healing happens in community. For this journey, we will accompany you with some new and favorite songs, yes, but also a viewing of the short film followed by some Q&A from the audience.
It is an invitation and an offering, because it is customary to share if you have it to give. This new tour is the ancestrally-nourished gift to all who have longed for home, who traded their indigeneity for assimilation, for anyone who seeks refuge in music, and who promise to tend it, and to never forget.

Concert & Film Release Tour
Film screening: 20 minutes
Q + A: 15 minutes w/ Peia
) Intermission (
Concert: 60-75 minutes

About Peia
Peia Luzzi is an American born song collector, writer and multi-instrumentalist. Like water from a deep well, she draws inspiration from her ancestral roots of Celtic and Old World European folk music. With the voice of a lark, Peia dances nimbly from Child Ballads and 17th C. Gaelic laments, to Waulking Songs, and Bulgarian mountain calls. She has traveled extensively over the past 10 years to uncover melodies wrinkled and wise with time, laboring to honor their language and stories, while bringing a piece of herself to each song she carries.

Alberta Rose Theatre
3000 NE Alberta St
Portland, OR 97211
(503) 719-6055
Minors welcome when accompanied by an adult.
ACCESSIBILITY: Wheelchair accessible, inclusive restrooms. ASL Interpreter provided. If you need additional accommodations, please get in touch via our connect page.
COVID: We will comply with all federal, state, and county protection measures, as well as with respective protections mandated by the venues and the artists. Please check each venue for current info. We encourage masking as long as the virus is circulating in our community.